Narcissistic Sibling - Is There a Spell to Help?

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Narcissistic Sibling - Is There a Spell to Help?

Post by Alue »

I know you usually shouldn't put a spell on someone without them knowing etc etc, but I feel that I'm running out of options, mainly towards my mental health and my family's.

My sibling, K, I'm 99% confident she has narcissism, and it affects how she interacts with the entire family. I've had depression since I was little, and I've had anxiety for as long as I can remember. Her being so mean in general has caused me a lot of mental pain, and I've in general just suffered. I don't think I should go into far detail about how bad I've felt from her, but it's just in general I think she has caused a lot of my self image problems. One conversation, as an example to how she acts, is this:

Her: You know who this person is?
Me: I told you I don't know who she is (said for the seventh time).

Is there a spell that I can put on her to maybe make her see how mean and cruel she has been? To maybe make her realize that all her 'teasing' actually really hurts? Or any kind of spell that y'all might think help.
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Re: Narcissistic Sibling - Is There a Spell to Help?

Post by Bychan Wulf »

I'm sorry for what she made you go through. I know you probably already did this a 1000 times, but I have to ask: Did you tell her how you feel?
You could also pay attention to her behaviour. Something at school or, if she is older than you at college, work etc. may make her feel like that. She can't change that and makes you her victim to balance her situation. Try to find her weak point and explain to her that the way hers is being pushed, same works with you, and that you get the same feeling.
Also, try to talk to her when she is sad or dissapointed and show her how a sibling should behave. Then, when she is a little bit softer, to have a sentimental chat.

As for spells, you said you already know how this works, so I'll spare you the theory. Don't try anything too powerful, that would bring major changes to your lifes. You can never know how the spell will work and how it will accomplish it's mission. I've heard many sad stories about how spells worked, but also brought a lot of sorrow with them.
So, maybe try something to soften her, so she could be more understanding, or, I can't remember where exactly I found this spell, for making people see themselves like in a mirror, in order to see their actions. It sounds pretty peaceful to me.
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Re: a spell to put on someone

Post by Alue »

Bychan Wulf wrote:I'm sorry for what she made you go through. I know you probably already did this a 1000 times, but I have to ask: Did you tell her how you feel?
You could also pay attention to her behaviour. Something at school or, if she is older than you at college, work etc. may make her feel like that. She can't change that and makes you her victim to balance her situation. Try to find her weak point and explain to her that the way hers is being pushed, same works with you, and that you get the same feeling.
Also, try to talk to her when she is sad or dissapointed and show her how a sibling should behave. Then, when she is a little bit softer, to have a sentimental chat.

As for spells, you said you already know how this works, so I'll spare you the theory. Don't try anything too powerful, that would bring major changes to your lifes. You can never know how the spell will work and how it will accomplish it's mission. I've heard many sad stories about how spells worked, but also brought a lot of sorrow with them.
So, maybe try something to soften her, so she could be more understanding, or, I can't remember where exactly I found this spell, for making people see themselves like in a mirror, in order to see their actions. It sounds pretty peaceful to me.
We are actually twins, and we go to a tutor school place, so I know for sure that nothing at the school is bothering her - everyone thinks she is amazing and strong (physically, that is. And she is, I'll admit). And I have told her before and my mom has told her before that what she says hurts but she just brushes it off 'it's just a joke' or laughs 'you need to chill, you're too sensitive, you liberal'. My mom has tried for years to step in, but K is mean enough that my mom even cries, so that doesn't help.

And I will def look into that, try to see what to do for the spell etc.
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Re: A spell to put on someone

Post by Heartsong »

If you're unsure about placing a spell on a person, you could try something like a sweetening jar charm that could affect the house as a whole. It might help facilitate some good communication between everyone.
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Re: A spell to put on someone

Post by Firebird »

Heartsong has an excellent suggestion.
Though, can you seek help for yourself through counseling private or at school?
What she is doing is abusive, and if she is a true narcissist she isn't going to care how her actions affect you.
But you must take care of you. She may cause long term complications for you because she is bullying you.
Another tactic would be, don't respond to her attacks. Answer her once. Period. Resist getting pulled into her poision, she is using gaslighting by telling you that you are too sensitive. You are fine the way you are. Sensitivity is a fine trait.
Wishing you light and strength.
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Re: A spell to put on someone

Post by Alue »

Thank you both, I think a sweetening jar sounds good. There is always tension when the entire family is together so it could help. Thank you guys so much!
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Re: A spell to put on someone

Post by Yex »

Someone pointed out something to me recently that I found rather enlightening: Curses, black magic, some more controlling love magic, et cetera, that are so prevalent in traditional witchcraft, have to be viewed in the context of the time period they came from - in the sense that these were being practiced by poor people with little power in the mundane world. A tyrannical landlord, an abusive husband, etc were forces that most people, back in the day, had absolutely no mundane means of dealing with, and it could be a matter of life in death. In that context, it's understandable why practitioners in those days used magic that to us seems to be overstepping the bounds of morality. It was often basically a form of self defense.

Now, I'm not saying that you should resort to cursing your sister... even if I thought that that was the right course of action - and I do not - that would be against the rules of this forum. But I am suggesting that your own survival is of tantamount importance, and that you shouldn't feel bad for doing what you need to do to free yourself from abuse. That's my 2 cents, anyway.
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Re: Narcissistic Sibling - Is There a Spell to Help?

Post by IsaacIcarus »

I agree with Heartsong and firebird, seek counseling to help you with the weight you're under (you won't believe how much it helps when you find a good counselor) and try doing some cleansing spells on the whole house. And if you and your sister have separate bedrooms, you could try a small banishing spell on the bad energies to keep them at bay, or if you share a room, a little spell over your bed might help so you can at least have some peace and sanctuary.

Sidenote: your icon is very cute.
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