
Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.
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Post by meanim »

Hey people, I'm new at this forum and I'm curious if there are any indigo's here. I'm an indigo myself and I would love to talk to other indigos and to learn their intentions and ways of life.
Because personally I'm pretty struggling with living as an indigo in this world.
Firstly because living in the western world isn't a good thing for me, too much structure and doing the same every day, every week, every month, year after year. I don't know if every indigo has this, or I'm just incredibly vulnerable :').
Secondly because I want justice and a fair life for everyone, but those wishes are nearly impossible to achieve, what of course brings frustration. People around me just don't care because they can't change it anyways but I can't seem to let those things go. I want it too badly despite I know it's impossible.

So if you're an indigo I would love to hear about your life, and if you're not an indigo but has experience with one, I would gladly listen too. :mrgreen:

Sincerely, Meanim xx
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Re: Indigo

Post by moonraingirl »

Hey meanim, welcome.
There definitely are people on the forum who feel like you do. There are more labels such as lightworkers, empaths, walk-ins, indigo or crystal children. Maybe there really are so many various types of people or perhaps they are different ways of describing the same thing.
What is important is that you are not alone, there are many of us, myself included who feel the same. I find the community incredibly supportive and open to all spiritual and psychological matters. Feel free to talk about your experiences.
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Re: Indigo

Post by Heartsong »

Hi meanim,

Welcome to the forum! I'm not an indigo myself, but I hope you find the information and support you're looking for here.

When you get a chance, please head over to the Member Profiles & Introduction section and tell us more about yourself. :)
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Re: Indigo

Post by Tutmosis »

Hi, I'm an indigo myself. I kinda of feel the same way you do about structure. It's just something we must deal with until more people begin to wake up!
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Re: Indigo

Post by Bychan Wulf »

Can anyone please explain me a little, the difference between a lightworker, an empath and an indigo? (If you have time for the others too, I'd be extremely grateful!)
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Re: Indigo

Post by planewalker »

Not sure what the differences are. I was just told I'm an empath but in reverse ( leave it to me to get it ass backwards ). I project my feelings when I feel strongly or want to keep an audience. All the time I get, "You tell it best" or "Why are you such a good teacher?".
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Re: Indigo

Post by SpiritTalker »

I'm another who gets things bass-ackwards. As I understand it, Indigos are gate openers,they are born in a certain time and place to prepare the way for those who come after. They can be light workers or empaths as well. Light workers are present to hold the light in place, and work to the good of all. Empaths are those who are sensitive to other people's emenations. They all have tasks that overlap, but are relevant to place, time, generation, and education of the masses.
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