Looking for a spread on starting a business..

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Looking for a spread on starting a business..

Post by RosieMoonflower »

I'm at a point in my life where I've discovered a new passion and I want to, hopefully, turn that into a business someday. We all wish we could turn our passions into payment right? Well, I'm approaching my 30th birthday, I'm not happy at all with my career choice, except the pay, but that's not enough to make me happy for another 30 years. I don't want to hesitate and miss my chance. My intuition is usually pretty good and what it's telling me right now is that if I go slow on this, someone else in my community will beat me to the idea.. I'm not a business person, but my husband is and he said he will support me and even let me take over the spare bedrooms with supplies needed and help me with the business side of things. Still, there's this part of me that's like, "I don't know what I'm doing. I'm sort of lost on where to start." And, in the interest of not wasting anytime, I want to consult my cards and ask questions that will be helpful in getting me started. Even, if it's just a mental block, what can I do to overcome that and go against the grain and carve out a small business that can support me and make me happy? If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them!

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Re: Turn passion into career spread?

Post by Firebird »

Do what you love and you'll love what you do.
You already have ideas I'm sure, which ones are most likely to be there in the long haul? Hospital work and death services won't be going anywhere so that would be job security, sorry to be morbid. I thought the floral industry would be good for the long haul because of 3 main reasons two listed above, the third was marriage, but the demand for flowers in those areas have declined greatly in 30 years. Largly because big box stores and economy, people are going to omit flowers for mom when she has a baby these days, or opt to pick them up when at the grocer or Home building store (of all places) even weddings are downsizing flowers and doing it themselves with other creative centerpeices and whatnot.
One reading I like to do is a monthly calender, indicating which days would be best to secure the job you want. Lay it out just like the month you are questioning (like March started on Wednesday this year, so begin the layout with Wednesday first and proceed laying out the cards like the calendar month) You can also do this for the year to see which month would be best to begin in.
Bb, Firebird
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Turn passion into career spread?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

firebirdflys wrote:Do what you love and you'll love what you do.
You already have ideas I'm sure, which ones are most likely to be there in the long haul? Hospital work and death services won't be going anywhere so that would be job security, sorry to be morbid. I thought the floral industry would be good for the long haul because of 3 main reasons two listed above, the third was marriage, but the demand for flowers in those areas have declined greatly in 30 years. Largly because big box stores and economy, people are going to omit flowers for mom when she has a baby these days, or opt to pick them up when at the grocer or Home building store (of all places) even weddings are downsizing flowers and doing it themselves with other creative centerpeices and whatnot.
One reading I like to do is a monthly calender, indicating which days would be best to secure the job you want. Lay it out just like the month you are questioning (like March started on Wednesday this year, so begin the layout with Wednesday first and proceed laying out the cards like the calendar month) You can also do this for the year to see which month would be best to begin in.
Bb, Firebird
Thanks for the response FF, good to hear from you! My idea is actually plant related.. I'd like to start a succulent design business. I'm wanting to make interesting planters from things people don't want anymore, I believe the term is "upcycle", and fill them with my propagated succulents. My community has a pretty large farmers market I could potentially sell my designs at. I've never seen a succulent booth there before, but my intuition is telling me there will be one there this summer. It will be run by young pretty women who aren't afraid to follow their dreams, who don't have a voice telling them in their heads this is all a huge risk, and I'll be standing there like "that was my idea". I don't know, I know I'm also coming to grips with age and the fact that the last 2 years my job has been a major source of stress and unhappiness, and I just don't want to be stuck doing that the rest of my life. We only get one life, right? At least only one we can remember well, why shouldn't we pursue our dreams? Obviously, because we don't want to go broke and barely manage to get by! Oh the struggle is real my friends, the struggle is real!

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