Tarot Cards--Feeling?

For discussion and questions about the tarot.

Tarot Cards--Feeling?

Post by VenusRainn »

I heard somewhere before that when you getting tarot cards, the cards "choose" you. Some people report feeling a feeling (tingle etc.) when they got near the tarot cards (that they now own) at the store. Is this true or just silly sounding? :shock:
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Post by Ravenari »

It depends, and there's no one 'right' way of choosing tarot cards. If anyone tells you that this is the case, they're lying! Lol. Some people choose tarot cards simply because they're cheap and still get accurate readings from them. It might take some of the mystery out of the choosing process, but it doesn't make them any less accurate.

There's also a theory going around that tarot cards must only be given to you in order to be accurate. Well if you believe it, I suppose it will be true, but imho, that's not the way it works.

Be sensible, choose based on artwork, price, and then see if you can imagine working with these cards. That's where the tingling sensation (if you get one) might come in handy. But your hands might be tingling because of the residual energy left their by another person, or because you're only responding to one card instead of an entire deck. Etc.

At the end of the day, only you can decide the best method of choosing tarot cards for you. :)
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Post by [scifichick] »

I agree with Ravenari, there is no one "right" way to pick the cards. My cards were given to me by a friend, I didn't choose them. That happened just because he already had them, but felt weirded out using them. When I started saying that maybe I should get a deck, he just gave them to me. I didn't get any tingly feelings. But I do feel comfortable with this cards. At first I was thinking to buy cards online, they have so many decks! But I couldn't decide which ones I like better and thought that if I go to the store and hold them, I will be able to figure it out. But I never got to the store. I think that if you do go to the store to get them, just get a deck, hold it, look at it, see if you like the pictures, if you find them interesting, and then if you like it, just get it.
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Post by Skylights »

I bought my first set of Tarot cards at a garage sale a few weeks ago. Obviously, I haven't done a lot of work with them, but I don't get any bad vibes off them or anything. I think the idea of cards choosing you is interesting, but not accurate. And I like the idea of them being a gift as a tradition, but I don't think buying them yourself would hurt in any way. Just like any other tool, I think what matters is that you like them and feel comfortable with them.

On a totally unrelated note, my boyfriend said he's going to design and make a set of Tarot cards for me. That should cover the 'gift' tradition, anyway! :-D

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Post by Addalaide »

My aunt gave me mine she had 2 decks that where the same ( donno how or why she had the same but i got one of them ). She gave them to me on christmas eve and i kinda had to hide them with the family being so uptight about thes things. I feel there the right ones for me, i can kinda read them but its just i guess a level above me so i have to aculy work at getting understand them. As for haveing a feeling, i donno because there just card up untell the point you open them and use them your first time. But any stone or crystal i get has to give off an energy that i like even if i am getting them for someone ealse thay have to tell me "Buy We! Buy Me!" befor i will get them. I was told or i was reading one that a woman placed her hands on the table where a group of pendulumes where hanging and said sturnly" I am takeing 2 of you home with me now who will it be?" and only two wobbled and thouse where the 2 she took. Witch is differnt that cards...but thats more than my 2 cents. :)

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[Ebony Rose]
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Post by [Ebony Rose] »

As with anything metaphysical, more is placed into how much YOU believe, and not so much what others say.

And sometimes what others say about a subject (as in a tarot deck must be given to you before it will work accuratly) is because that is what they were told once upon a time - their beliefs -

I can say what has worked for me - I was given a new ReiderWaite deck but I was just flat unable to use it. I had a hard time even concentrating with them. I bought a deck of Dragon Tarot as an impulse buy, and these cards are absolutely wonderful. I will probably never use another deck again.

Trial and error - if something isn't working, try something else. Go with what feels right for you.
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Post by saianalyd »

i got my tarot cards from my grandmother for christmas. it surprised me because she couldnt be less involved in those inds of hings. well anyway when i got them i kind felt like they were mine, while they were, but u know what i mean. coulda just been in my head tho

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