Goddess contacting me?

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Goddess contacting me?

Post by sanguislust »

Good evening ,
So I guess I should start out with my menstrual cycle earlier this year I was getting it twice a month one on the full moon and then again on the new moon. This was going on for a few months. Now I don't have any medical issues so that was definitely not the case. Most of the time I'm on the new moon cycle or the full moon cycle which varies month to month. I decided to go talk to my friend's mom who was a medium and she thought maybe it was a goddess contacting me. I ignored the fact and and complained about having two cycles every month but eventually went back to one. I recently went to a psychic medium to kind of see what this whole issue could have been. From what she told me that I had magic in my blood and that the Goddess hecate was contacting me. I found this forum to hopefully find answers. I also find it interesting looking into this goddess because of the dog aspect. I work with dogs and my familiar is my dog(which I found out from the medium) kinda already could of guessed that though with our bond. So I guess where do I go from here?
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Re: Goddess contacting me?

Post by Lord_of_Nightmares »

Do a devotional prayer to her and introduce yourself.
I am the Earth, The Sun and the Stars
And I am the also the Moon
I am all animal and birds,
And I am the outcast as well, and the thief
I am the low person of dreadful deeds,
And the great person of excellent deeds
I am Female. I am Male and I am Neuter.
- Devi

Re: Goddess contacting me?

Post by sanguislust »

I will do so ,thank you very much.
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