Is this a Scam?

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Is this a Scam?

Post by casnarl »


So about a week ago I did a "Free" spell I found online, figuring it couldn't hurt and now I am getting emails from the caster saying my spell is being blocked because I have negative energies around me.

I'm figuring this is probably just their trick to get my money after the fact and so I am not going to click the links to "cleanse me" they provided, instead thinking I should maybe cast a cleansing spell on myself or something but under no circumstances am I giving them my money.

Am I being scammed and should I just forget about the whole thing, or should I cleanse just in case?
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Re: Is this a Scam?

Post by planewalker »

Doing a cleanse won't hurt you and they may have skills beyond BEING Scam Artists. They do probably have negative energy hanging all over them.
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Re: Is this a Scam?

Post by casnarl »

Thank you planewalker,

I am still not going to give them my money as I don't completely trust it, but I will do a cleanse on myself. Is there one you could recommend/link me to so I can do it tonight?
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Re: Is this a Scam?

Post by EveningWithAstaroth »


A website offering a free spell online under the stipulation of it being free, and then requiring one to leave an email as a type of site registration, either to view the spell or for whatever other reason, is a scam.

Block the emails from the site.

Further an email telling you you're spell was blocked is plain nonsense. According to who...? The caster?

It is what it is. It is the same as an individual posturing as a shamanic healer, and telling you they will offer you a free healing. Sooner or later they will contact you again trying to convince you that the healing was unsuccessful and that you have an entity attached, need further healing, need a soul retrieval , this will take more of the Plastic Shamans energy and time, and you "don't" "have" to but they'd like compensation... ect etc etc.

These are individuals more often than not with absolute zero ability. These Shamans are not Shamans and these "spells" are not blocked, there is no negativity around you, and it is all a Facade.

It is 100 percent a scam. The caster most probably has no interest in Wicca, witchcraft, paganism or anything else spiritual.

These people are criminals whom take advantage of the naive. And that is not to say anything at all about your intellect as an individual, or any other person who trusts these people. You are not at fault here.

My advice is to block this email, and contact them no further.

Also it is of my view you need no cleansing at all in fact. There is nothing wrong with you, the energy around you, or your ability to cast a spell.

Telling you you need a cleansing is simply a psychological ploy the individual is using.

They tell an individual they need a cleansing, their spell is being blocked, and the very naive will put their faith in this, and when the spell does not work? Well the individual put their faith into what another told them, they believed them, by their belief and faith that this individual was telling them something true, of course the spell didn't work!

My advice, block the email, put no more stock into what anonymous suspicious individuals online tell you.

Also I don't feel you absolutely need a cleansing, you never needed one at all. It wouldn't hurt things if you wrote a cleansing yourself, and performed it, but what is the point if you never needed one to begin with? You are better off putting your faith into the knowledge that there is no need for a cleansing, nothing wrong with you or your magic.

That is the magic you see. Confidence.


Also, perhaps considering writing your own spells from now on, or going to someone you know already, and already trust if you can.

For me personally. I have never ever even looked for any type of spell online, free or otherwise.

I don't need one.

And my magic works fine.

By faith in myself alone.

All my best to you.

Best of luck.

P.S: Give yourself more credit. You questioning whether it is a scam or not (it is) is proof enough that you are smart and capable.
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Re: Is this a Scam?

Post by planewalker »

You can use sage or sadelwood incense to smudge down while ordering all negative influences to leave your person and living space. Nothing to smudge with. Let water run clear and cold put salt in it and let it stand till it warms back up. Sprinkle on yourself while giving the same orders. If it would make you feel better I can say a blessing for you {real ceremony, done 'em for years}. I believe you said you were the anxious type. If 10 minutes rite helps you feel better it is well worth it and it is a duty of my religion to give aid. Anybody can use a blessing or few any time.
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Re: Is this a Scam?

Post by casnarl »

planewalker, thank you, if you don't mind I would quite like a blessing. But as EveningWithAstaroth pointed out I probably am fine and this email was just completely a scam so I don't think I need to do anything on myself. But your blessing can't hurt :)

EveningWithAstaroth, yeah you're right. It was one of those like type in what you want in a box and subscribe to the newsletter and they'll cast the spell and email you in 24-48 hours type of thing. I figured it couldn't hurt to do it but it didn't occur to me that they'd try and get my money afterwards. That being said it's a very good psychological ploy because it definitely works if you believe in it. I made the correlation with being extra tired and having a bad headache this week thinking maybe they were right and maybe my spell wasn't working and all that...but I think it has more to do with the Olympics being on and me staying up too late, not negative energies :P
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Re: Is this a Scam?

Post by SnowCat »

I agree. It's a scam. It's like the foreign royalty that needs help finding their money.

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Re: Is this a Scam?

Post by casnarl »

SnowCat wrote:I agree. It's a scam. It's like the foreign royalty that needs help finding their money.

I didn't even think of that! I'd never ever ever open one of those emails, but I think my brain figured because I found this person myself instead of just getting an email out of the blue that it couldn't be the same kind of thing.
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Re: Is this a Scam?

Post by planewalker »

A rattlesnake sets in the bushes and strikes from hiding. I don't think you need a cleanse either but I've some other spell work to do for someone else on the forum so I figured, why not make it a party.
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Re: Is this a Scam?

Post by casnarl »

planewalker wrote: so I figured, why not make it a party.
I would love to be a part of the party ^.^
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Re: Is this a Scam?

Post by planewalker »

You are Blessed, Blessed, Thrice Blessed. Planewalker - in my office as an Adept of the Light
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Re: Is this a Scam?

Post by corvidus »

Yes this is a scam.

Do your own work.
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Re: Is this a Scam?

Post by Siona »

Absolutely a scam, and a common one in the community. People are told they have negative energy around them, are cursed, etc, etc, and no, they're not, but that scares people and they pay for the "fixes." In another group I'm in a woman just admitted to paying almost a thousand dollars because the person kept saying more and more needed to be done - she admitted this on a post where another person was asking about pretty much the same thing you are.

It never hurts to cleanse, especially if you are regularly doing any sort of spell work or other practice, and it's quite a simple practice to begin - but there's no way this person isn't just lying to you, so there's no harm in totally ignoring the situation, either.
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Re: Is this a Scam?

Post by blue_moon »

... you could also see it that way ...

Doing a spell for an online stranger you might want to concider cleansing no matter what. Because you can't presuppose purity. So if I was a professionell online spellcaster i would want to guarantee and use sage for purification uncompromising!


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Re: Is this a Scam?

Post by Firebird »

Wow, that was messed up. I suppose it must be very difficult to determine who is ligit and who is not. One of our preistesses does online healing, readings and candle petitions and charges a rather substantial payment, yet she is totally legit and her candles are beautiful. I have seen many burning in her fireplace on any given day.
I'm sorry this charlatan took you for an emotional ride. Remember you are powerful and any spell/work to be done is within yourself, and best preformed by you.
Blessings, Firebird
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