Should I be a Seer

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Should I be a Seer

Post by stormofwind »

I was told by psychic that only thing possibly to make a good living at is a seer/empath.
Yes I could but do but do I want the responsibly...dealing peoples heavy issues?
And some people repulse me by their energy and attitudes by no way am I perfect.
I have baggage .. It makes me kinda of sad that's only thing I could be good at.
I love writing and making art .. For me even though I have the gift, I can't detach myself from peoples energy, though I have tired.
Shielding doesn't always work.
Some people say it's great having this gift. To walk a mile in shoes and see what I have seen over the years.
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Re: Do I have the right to

Post by birublackzoey »

Hi Storm,

there is quite a few layers to what you are describing.

- making a living ($$$)
- dealing with the issues of others
- dealing with own issues
- frustration of having outside perception projected onto your gift

I would gently advise coming into acceptance of who you are - if you are an empath, shaman, healer etc, the connection with others is strong whether we like it or not. And so, the resistance only makes it more painful. Once you are able to accept this path, (Hero's Journey, Call to Adventure), you will have more Peace and Clarity, to equipt yourself in the right way, as you walk this path.

For all three types mentioned above, grounding helps tremendously. Giving back our pain into the Earth, the grandest of all Mothers, helps to balance us, and whatever we might have absorbed from meeting others.

I would also say to keep an open mind, sometimes we are of the perception that we are healing others, but sometimes Life comes through with lessons through the people we meet. In the end, we are helping to heal each other, and I think that is the purest intention to guide your next step, instead of stresses about finance or success.

When the Intention is clear and pure, and it is manifested through action, those two things (Finance, Success) comes following after, as a by-product of what we do. In some way, it is the Universe providing for us, as we walk our path and do our work for the rest of humanity, or other lifeforms.

Hope it helps, no matter what, you have the opportunity to breathe in deep good breaths, and have health and many other blessings, we can be grateful for the little things. Sometimes Life gives us problems to solve, and the thoughts/perceptions of others can complicate it. Just listen to the good things, and walk the path mindfully with focus, disregard the bad and negative, never stop finding your way back to Peace.

much love to you!
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Re: Do I have the right to

Post by barker »

beyond ...

- making a living ($$$)
- dealing with the issues of others
- dealing with own issues
- frustration of having outside perception projected onto your gift

... there is the will to be of service to All That Is. Maybe you are happy with what you've got? If not, make truth work - that is a prime directive!
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Re: Do I have the right to

Post by SpiritTalker »

Each person in need of healing is a reflection of ourselves. Do what you love doing & the opportunities to use the other gifts you have will be still be manifest.

Edit: Full-time, 24/7 seer is only a worst-case option. You have to live your life too. Another option is being an ordinary person who just happens to have an ability to 'see' the roots of other's difficulties. Their problems are still their own responsibility. The Sight let's you be a guide & not a savior.

In my own experience of the Sight (& doing various trance sessions) has forced fore-knowledge of events with a blunt force impact onto me during visions. There have been experiences I've "seen" that I wouldn't ever try to describe. I went "through" them as though standing alongside the sufferer. Perhaps I was there only as a hand to hold onto in the darkness? Why did I have to witness these tragic events? Perhaps to enlarge my own capacity for compassion? Perhaps to be shown that death & life are the counter weights of the Real Life of the Soul that is greater. Perhaps to give comfort instead of solutions. Why do we have visions? To restore balance. At least that's what it seems like to me. Your mileage may vary.
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Re: Should I be a Seer

Post by barker »

Also, anything that we dread about ourself is actually a great promise. The whole point being that the truth is a weapon, used right it can be the solution to the problem of fear, pain, hate et al.

Long ago I used my 'sword' to declare my war on insanity. Now, I assist with the mental safekeeping of everybody around me. It is rewarding in ways that last...
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Re: Should I be a Seer

Post by SpiritTalker »

I stumbled across "The Fortunetellers Guide to Success" - How to make a career of fortunetelling, & thought you'd be interested. ... ay&sr=8-12

One review says: This book is one of those that you read and feel some unknown nostalgy for old times. A very well-written book that provides instructions on how to become a successful fortune teller, how to set up your shop and how to deal with the customers. Though becoming a fortune-teller is not in my stars and my nearest future, I still bought this book to tap into that mysterous world of the selected few who manage to receive and deliver the messages about one's future. The author added additional flavor by sharing her fortune-telling experience and interesting occurences she got into. It's a well-written book that you would like to read over and over.

$9.00 - 96 pages
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