Maddy's introduction

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Maddy's introduction

Post by mads »

Hey guys, long time lurker here who finally signed up to the forums after years of lurking witchcraft sites. Sorry my introduction post is a little bit late.
My name's Madeleine, but you can call me Maddy, Mads, or whatever works, I don't mind! smileylove
I'm a 24 year old girl (woman more like, at this point, but I'm having a quarter-life crisis), living in Australia with 2 cats and a dog. Not too sure yet if I have a familiar as one cat openly prefers my Dad over me (a sore point, from my end lol) and the other spends time with me out of pity, I think. The dog just ignores the rest of us for my Mum. Maybe my next best option is a goldfish.
I like animals, Greek mythology, pottering around the garden whilst hoping my plants don't die, writing, and bingeing Netflix. I spend a good amount of my time obsessing over literature and crying over it. I also like to pretend I'm a comedian and cause my friends second-hand embarrassment on multiple occasions over this.
I dislike... the majority of meals I attempt to cook. Jogging (I'm awful at it). And most other forms of exercise. I'm a couch person, as you can probably already see.
I'm still currently exploring different hobbies since I only just graduated from uni (oh, the freedom), but so far I like to go for nature walks both alone and with friends, eat new kinds of foods, scrapbook, and emotionally invest myself in TV shows and movies that make me sad/thrilled. It's an odd combination.
I've been interested in all the different forms of witchcraft since I was young and have been lucky enough to meet a few people who share the same interest. I'd still say that I'm very new to this though, and I'm always looking to hear about other peoples experiences and thoughts on it :)
I'm particularly drawn to the use of plants and herbs in magick, and am looking forward to learning more about them. I've also dabbled with Tarot cards for quite a while, but I have to admit that I've constantly struggled with trying to read them or interpret them. So, I'm here to interact with others and hopefully learn more :)

Hope to talk to everyone soon!
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Re: Maddy's introduction

Post by Black Cloud »

Hey Maddy
"People with a high tolerance for boredom can get a lot of thinking done." -Stephen King
“For every woman is at heart a witch.” -Charles Leland
“Men argue, nature acts.” -Voltaire
“Our life is the creation of our mind.” -Buddha
“Any person capable of angering you becomes your master.” -Epictetus
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Re: Maddy's introduction

Post by SpiritTalker »

Hi Maddy and welcome.
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Re: Maddy's introduction

Post by Firebird »

Hi there Mads, welcome to the forum :fairy:
I remember the days of couch potatoing! Nowadays I tend to avoid emotional programming, including movies, it was just sucking my energy.
Getting outdoors and spending time with the plants is an excellent witchy activity! You're coming up on summer too, so gardening must be at the forefront.
By the way, congratulations on completing university!! Huzzah!
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Maddy's introduction

Post by Anubisa »

Welcome to the forum!
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