Talking to the dead is a sin (according to the Bible)

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Talking to the dead is a sin (according to the Bible)

Post by JamesDean »

Its come to my attention that at some place in the Bible, it says it is a sin to talk to the dead. This makes a few questions pop into my head.

1. Is the Bible acknowledging that it is possible to do that, or are they saying it is a sin simply to try.

2. Did they put that in there because they really do think its wrong, or because it was a part of pagan religions they were opposed to.

3. And if they truly think it is possible, and they think it in itself is a sin, what is thier justification for thinking it is a sin?

If anyone has any answers, I'd sure welcome them.
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Post by Storm »

The bible says a lot of things. It then contradicts itself in many places. And it says that a whole bunch of stuff is sinful - pretty much everything in fact. :wink:
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Post by Sercee »

I think those are some pretty good and valid questions. I wonder if anyone knows any clergy that can help answer that.

1. Considering that the catholic church performs exorcisms they must believe in a spirit world of some kind that you can interact with. It is probably just what it is: a sin to talk to the dead. I think it would be interference with their afterlife or the jurisdiction of God or whoever runs the place that's the problem... Seeking knowledge that is not meant for you?

2. I think both.

3. I might be wrong here, but the way I understand it christianity places a strong emphasis on humanity being seperate from the divine. I think it would be like seeking forbidden knowledge or reaching above your station. If you are human and world bound then you are not fit to have that knowledge or to interact with beings from that plane. Also, from a safety standpoint, if they believe that a spirit can be good or evil because of the temptations of the devil then it's reasonable that the point is put in simply so you don't talk to the dead and it happens to be evil dead who will surely lead you astray.

Just my thoughts!
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Post by Exilus »

NOt sure i want to do this because I amnot in the mood to arguethis with people anmore, but you asked the questions so i will answer, yes it is forbiden in the bible.

The Bible strongly warns people not to consult mediums and spiritists for the truth, but to inquire of God (Isaiah 8:19). Clearly, if those who practiced these arts have any power (beyond being great deceivers), it is not a gift from God (as some falsely claim). The Bible condemns and forbids these practices several times (Deuteronomy 18:9-14; Isaiah 44:25; Jeremiah 27:9; 2 Kings 21:6; 23:24). Divination and Spiritism were despised practices of the heathens (Ezekiel 21:21; Isaiah 19:3; 1 Samuel 28). Scripture says that one of the reasons King Saul died was "because he consulted a medium for guidance" rather than God (1 Chronicles 10:13-14).

The Bible provides examples showing the folly and failures of those who claimed the ability to predict the future based on their own powers or those of spirits (Daniel 2:27, etc.). God calls the word of diviners "nonsense," "lies" and "deception" for foolish people (Ezekiel 13:8; Jeremiah 14:14; Isaiah 44:25). God said, "Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing!" (Ezekiel 13:3). If an Israelite lived the deceitful practice of being a medium, it was punishable by death (Leviticus 20:27). The presence of a medium or spiritist among God's people of Israel was considered a defilement (Leviticus 19:31). All these practices take people further from their Creator, the true and living God.

It further more goes on to say, that the act of communing with spirits is the act of witchcraft, and theirfore is condemend as an act of evil.

As to why they put it that we can only guess, it could have been that as christians grew in the pagen run empires of the times, they wish to condem them as evil so that they would be justified in their acts against them, it could have come from their god as well. this we will never really know as it is a matter of beleif. If you do not beleive in the bible being real as I don't you take reason one if you do then you take reason two.
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Post by JamesDean »

They say that communing with spirits is an act of witchcraft. Wonder what that means about me? I am capable to talking to spirits, or ghosts if you prefer, but I am not a witch, and to be honest I don't really know anything about witchcraft.

And if God didn't want us doing it, how come some people are born with the ability to do so?

And does christianity still hold the same belief on communing with spirits if it is not used to get "the truth", or to predict the future, or to ask for guidance, such as the case is with me?

By the Exilus, I am impressed with your knowledge of the Bible.
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Post by Sercee »

Exilus always has pretty good information, especially when it comes to that. I think he gets a little frustrated when his quotes start arguments, though! :)
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Post by Exilus »

well In truth and don't say this to most christians because they will burn you at the stake..chuckles.. But most christians do not follow what they claim to most of the time. If they did the jesus would have been condemed as a satanist. Because he worked magic. he talked to spirits and devils and seemed to excert control over them.

I posted a true story once I can't remember what section a true one about my grandmother and mother, reading it would probally show you these questions are not yours and yours alone. Christias tend to forget that reguardless of what the bible says, as it is wrighten by man and who it claims is flawed then it is as well. need to remember we are all human beings, all loved by the gods, the bible does not condem people to hell when you read it in latin, it instead says that all men are gods children and it was wrighten in a time when men were seeking to bring women from the equal pedistal that they had had with pagens for hundred of years. so naturally it puts women as the bad guy most of the times its refers to them.

These are things that christians do not see when they seek to ummmmmm(looks for the words) teach yea thats it, sorry i had a pic of a child being force fed peas there a second.

As to my knowledgeof the bible as i said many times my grandfather made me learn the bible and since my religion is that of the romans he made me learn latin as well, so one fo the mother tounges of my beleif and my family which is gaelic would not be lost, and I also speak and read german so all three of the major bible translations i am capable of reading and comparing. Trust when you can do that seeing the flaws of the bible translations is redily
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Post by JamesDean »

I have to say your views are very insightful and helpful Exilus. I would never have thought of that thing about Jesus.

I'm really glad I found and joined this forum. Its really made me think about some things, help me figure out other things, and allowed me to get some things off my chest. And I've only been here two or three days!
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Post by Storm »

JamesDean wrote:They say that communing with spirits is an act of witchcraft. Wonder what that means about me? I am capable to talking to spirits, or ghosts if you prefer, but I am not a witch, and to be honest I don't really know anything about witchcraft.

And if God didn't want us doing it, how come some people are born with the ability to do so?

Christians might argue that God is testing those people, and that they should resist using those abilities.
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Post by Sercee »

That's an argument I've always had a hard time with.

To me, if you have a talent (or access to anything created by nature... ie pot) or ability then there shouldn't be anything wrong with using it as long as it isn't to hurt others. You are supposed to love and respect yourself and your body, why not also the potential that was created within it?

The idea that we would be given something purely for the purpose of testing to see if we'd use it seems contrary to the universal love idea. Though I suppose since christianity also has the whole 'all your sins are forgiven!' thing, or catholicism's 'confess your sins and they will be forgiven' program it doesn't really matter.
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Post by Eretik »

Did you have a look at the sites I posted for you? The site on Spiritists seems to be good. I have got it on my faves list so I can check it out myself. From what I've looked at in it, it answers many of your questions. I'd like to know what you think of it,please. I never could understand the confession/salvation doctrines of The Church of Rome, myself. I found the contradictions and hypocrisy too much to take in and rejected it all because of that alone.
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Post by Storm »

In my opinion - organised religion = power. Control the populace's urges e.g sexuality and channel their energies into loyalty and worship.

Any religion which says 'You shan't do this because we say so/ because God hates it and that's that' will always recieve the thumbs down from me.

Again - all my opinion.
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Post by JamesDean »

I did look at the sites for Spiritism. I thought they were pretty good. The information they had on spirits was mostly consisitent with my experiences.
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Post by Eretik »

That's great, glad it was useful.

Post by lilady_love »

if the book of geninssis (spelling sorry) is correct, and all that s in it is or will soon come true then obviously it was okay for some body to use some "witchcraft" no? i mean it was a vision it was a dream it was something of the sort.. i am not really a bible person.. other then i know what to say to piss most thumpers off... but his makes sense to me
should maybe pick one up and have allok through

lol i meant Revalations sorry...don't know what i was thinkng
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