Discussion about out-of-body experiences (astral travel), lucid dreaming, and other sleep related phenomenon such as night terrors and sleep paralysis.
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Post by [Enlightenment] »

OMG, I did it, I had an OBE last night! AT LAST, I've been trying every night for some while now and I've finally done it :D

Here's how I did it and what happened ~

Ok, so the meditation techniques to try and get out haven't been working, I can reach the vibrational state easily, I get the vibrations, tingling, heat and tunnel like vision, start to see bright white and purple shapes and swirls, all that stuff you have normally before an OBE, but I can never actually get "out".

Anyway, I woke up around 5am this morning and felt myself dropping back off to sleep near on straight away so I started to think about having an OBE, I kept on telling myself "You will go out of body, you will", I started to imagine a huge black tunnel with me travelling up it as I dropped back off to sleep, still telling myself to go out of body, the next thing I know I get the vibrations (but stronger than ever before), I told myself to stay calm "Don't ruin it now Kristy, go with it, go with it", from what I remember I felt a pulling sensation on my forehead and then I was swirling up this black tunnel faster than ever, the next thing I know I'm floating (on my back, stomach upwards to the celing) I'm in my bedroom it's really dark, in fact I could hardly see anything, I managed to get myself upright as if I'm standing up (but still floating, feet off ground) and then it hit me, "Shit, shit, shit I'm OOB" soooooo many thoughts went through my head at this point, I was trying to remember what to do, how to get clarity, how not to wake-up, so many thing's going through my head it was unreal. Then I went over to my mirror in my room, I had an overwhelming feeling to do this, I knew I was OOB and floating in my room and I wanted to see myself in my mirror, I couldn't see myself, it was too dark, then I thought "My body on the bed, look round and see your body Kristy" I turned round to look at myself on the bed and instantly I was pulled back to my body as if I was on a bungee rope lol, it was that fast! I didn't see my body, all I saw was like a grey mist or aura lying on the bed and before I knew it I was back in my body - WOW, WOW AND FUCKIN WOW, I DID IT!!! I'm so excited right now, it's crazy lol. I didn't really feel a "bang" though when my astral body went back into my physical body, I'm surprised as I got pulled back at quite some speed.
I went back to sleep after half an hour or so of nearly peeing myself with excitement at what had just happened, and went straight into a Lucid Dream (I haven't had a Lucid 'from what I know' in ages) this was like a double whammy lol, my first OBE and then Lucid straight after. I knew this was my chance to get out again but it didn't happen. I was in this strange arena like place with all these people standing on the edges of this arena really high-up (like they could fall off the ledge any minuet). I didn't really like this place, it felt strange and was scaring me a little. I was flying and I flew up to this guy who was a white gay man but dressed like a black Hip-Hop star :lol: It was very strange! At this point I kept saying "OOB NOW" but nothing happened, I thought I would end-up back in my room but I didn't. Then I started to spin myself while still flying off the ground (I'd heard this would get you to where you wanted to be) but as I span myself I got worried because it felt so real, like I was actually spinning around in my bed, I kept thinking "Shit, I'm gonna wake everyone up if I keep spinning like this", it actually felt like I'd took hold of my bed covers so I could spin myself around, it was so real, and then I can't remember anything else, I must of gone into a normal dream or something.

A couple of quick questions -

Because it was around 5am when I projected in my room it was dark, is there anyway of making it light in my room when I next project or does it stay dark. I can remember thinking clarity all the time but when I was OOB in my room it was just as it would be in real life at that time in the morning - dark. When I was in the Lucid Dream there were more colours n I could see quite well (a little cloudy though).

How can I stay OOB longer without getting pulled back on the bungee rope to my body lol?

Should I of seen my own body as if it looks in real life?

How can I clear my mind while OOB or in a Lucid Dream so I'm not asking myself to do all these thing's at once i.e. clarity now, OOB now, spin now, etc, etc. I think this is what ruined my Lucid Dream, I was wanting to do so much in it, especially get out of body again.

I've heard the spinning technique actually works to take you to another place in the Astral and also helps keep you Lucid, is this true? It felt like I was actually spinning at top speed in my bed and I got worried I would wake others in my house up with all the noise from it?

I have so many more questions but they keep coming and going as I can't think straight today, I'm far too excited lol. If I think of any others I'll post them later.....

I think the best way for a newbie to have an OBE is to wake-up in the middle of the night and tell yourself to go OOB when you're dropping back off to sleep. Also imagining a tunnel and travelling up it works well. Doing it in the middle of the night is a lot more effective (for me anyway) than doing this from meditating.

Thanks guys, your help on the questions would be much appreciated!

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Post by Sobek »

dear me congrats...this isnt my area of expertise but i'll attempt to answer the questions.

next time you attempt OBE could you have a dim light or a candle near by.

you seem to have been pulled to the body when it was confirmed you werent there, try resisting the urge to look untill your ready to return(though it seems a person wouldnt want too, for a decent while anyway)

i spose you shouldve seen the body in one form or another, considering you shifted into an alternate plane.

i think the key to keeping a lvl head is by not wanting to do everything right away, you seem to have had the "so much to do so little time" attitude

i'll try your suggestions and again congrats.
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Post by [Enlightenment] »

Thanks for that Sobek :D

It really does sound like one heck of a story/journey or whatever you want to call for my first OBE, but actually the whole OBE only lasted for probably two, three minuets max, but to me that really is a big deal, and in a way it really was one heck of a journey, I just wish I could of calmed myself down longer, thought more clearly and got myself at least out of my bedroom, I really wanted to see if my dog would notice me or feel my presence in the kitchen downstairs, how cool would of that been :lol: I think I would of stayed "out" longer if I was calmer and new precisley what and where I wanted to do/go.

Thanks for the advice, I'll keep it all in mind for next time (that's if I have the luck of doing it again) *fingers crossed* lol.
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Post by kittiekat93 »

alas, i still have not tried again, but i think i will tonight. . . then i can be cool too :D lol
Kitty :type:

BTW I might not be on here very much anymore, because my dad installed net nanny, and he doesn't know I am into 'this kind of stuff'

Sorry for any common questions or dumb answers.. im mostly new at this..
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Post by [Enlightenment] »

HaHa, thanks KittieKat :D

I've tried every night since (keep setting my alarm to wake me up in the middle of the night) but I haven't been able to do it again, I will though, I'm one determind little cookie lol.
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Post by kittiekat93 »

holy shit i almost went oob last night (technically this morning)
ive bin up since 2am *couldnt sleep* and at around 4am i was starting to drift.. and my legs felt all floaty and i knew i was almost totally oob and i freaked and then i snapped back :evil:
i told my bff this morning, i trust her with everything, we know everything about each other, and she had this total spaz that if i do get totally oob my body will get possessed and ill go around killing everyone in my path (she actually said that to me)
oh well, ill try again tonight.
Kitty :type:

BTW I might not be on here very much anymore, because my dad installed net nanny, and he doesn't know I am into 'this kind of stuff'

Sorry for any common questions or dumb answers.. im mostly new at this..
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Post by [DarkWoman] »

Hey! I'm sending my congrats again. I'll definately try those tips you posted. Maybe even tonight. I have to try early though because tiredness seems to just not workout for me. Btw, I'm glad when you looked at your body you didn't freak out. Unless curiosity gets the best of me, I'm not looking at mine for a real long time. I know my automatic "freak out" mechanism would kick in. It's so cool that I can feel the excitement from you jumping out from your post. I'm excited for you. And you give me hope too.
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Post by [DarkWoman] »

Kitty, I'm glad your bff isn't deterring you from trying something you want by telling you that. If I didn't know better and someone told me that, I'd probably not try it for a few years or so. Or not until I've learned more. Imo, there's a lot of benefit that comes with a skill like this. Even if it's just one experience. And btw, good luck!
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Post by [Enlightenment] »

kittiekat93 wrote:holy shit i almost went oob last night (technically this morning)
ive bin up since 2am *couldnt sleep* and at around 4am i was starting to drift.. and my legs felt all floaty and i knew i was almost totally oob and i freaked and then i snapped back :evil:
i told my bff this morning, i trust her with everything, we know everything about each other, and she had this total spaz that if i do get totally oob my body will get possessed and ill go around killing everyone in my path (she actually said that to me)
oh well, ill try again tonight.
Possessed is one thing that won't happen to you when OOB. I've heard if you "invite" Spirits to actually possess your body :roll: :? :shock: (which I doubt even the nuttiest of person would do) then there is a slight chance it could happen, but I don't believe this at all, I don't believe in that kind of evil anyway so I know it wouldn't happen to me and there has been no known cases of possession while OOB, so no worries there!
Excitement and fear are the two main factors that stop us from getting "out", it messes up the programme and I can only advice you to try and not think about it too hard and then you won't get over excited, I know it's hard but just try and go with it. It's what has buggered me up from doing it again, as soon as I get "the vibes" it messes me up, even more so now I've actually achieved an OBE, I'm like 'It's gonna happen again...... NOW" and then the whole feeling passes, very annoying lol.

Good Luck and keep trying!!! :D

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Post by [Enlightenment] »

DarkWoman wrote:Hey! I'm sending my congrats again. I'll definately try those tips you posted. Maybe even tonight. I have to try early though because tiredness seems to just not workout for me. Btw, I'm glad when you looked at your body you didn't freak out. Unless curiosity gets the best of me, I'm not looking at mine for a real long time. I know my automatic "freak out" mechanism would kick in. It's so cool that I can feel the excitement from you jumping out from your post. I'm excited for you. And you give me hope too.
Thanks Dark, I've been relaying the whole experience every minuet, every second of every day since lol. I've wrote the whole experience down in great detail in my BOS, well DOS actually, as it's one of those thing's that as each day goes by it's harder to actually remember all the little details from the experience, it's something I don't want to forget, but it was all very quick, I've heard this is normal for your first OBE, once you get used to them your travels last longer each time :D

Good Luck with your travels and keep us posted :wink:

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Post by kittiekat93 »

DarkWoman wrote:Kitty, I'm glad your bff isn't deterring you from trying something you want by telling you that. If I didn't know better and someone told me that, I'd probably not try it for a few years or so. Or not until I've learned more. Imo, there's a lot of benefit that comes with a skill like this. Even if it's just one experience. And btw, good luck!
:oops: actually i kinda told her that i wouldnt do it again... but i didnt promise.. so im gonna try again tonight :) i tried to assure her that there is no way that my body could get possessed but she wouldnt believe me..
Kitty :type:

BTW I might not be on here very much anymore, because my dad installed net nanny, and he doesn't know I am into 'this kind of stuff'

Sorry for any common questions or dumb answers.. im mostly new at this..
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Post by Sobek »

"i tried to assure her that there is no way that my body could get possessed but she wouldnt believe me"

i dont know, if was looking for a body and found an exmpty shell i'd probably up and in. but the odds are pretty low. but not entirely sure just the same.
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Post by Eretik »

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Post by [Enlightenment] »

Thanks Eretik :D

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Post by Sercee »

Wow, right on, Enlightenment! Congratulations!
*big hug!*

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