Up and coming court case

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Up and coming court case

Post by [aphrodite] »

Hi guys, I didn't know weither to post this or not. I have been pondering on it for a few days now, so here it goes,

I had a friend (male) of 4 years, he owns a pizza shop, I've worked for him, and never had any problems with him.
In febuary I went to the chinese for my mum's tea, the pizza shop is next to it, so as I have done many times I called in the shop to see him for a chat.
We went up to the flat above the shop. ( done this many times aswell )

Well not to go into too much detail he sexually assulted me ( NOT RAPE ) I have reported it to the police, of course he's denying it all. I still haven't got my clothes back from them yet.

They say I won't until after court.
The police have hospital notes inc. x-rays coz he ripped my tendons in both wrists.

I have told Dave (my future hubby) needless to say he ain't impressed.

I didn't know weither to post it coz I don't want to seem a victim coz I'm not, I thought it was just assult but the police told me otherwise.

I guess I must have been really evil in a past life :?

Oh well, gotta keep smiling.
Just thought I'd get it off my chest, thanks for reading.

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Post by Elem »

I guess I must have been really evil in a past life
Hey now, don't go blaming yourself - this was no fault of your own, and he obviously had something go wrong in his head for him to try and do that to you. I'm positive he'll get his comeuppance at the trial - even if he's denying it, the evidence is there to support your allegations.. Allegations you wouldn't make without good reason.

I hope he gets what he deserves for doing this to you, as he acted completely out of order. I hope your injuries weren't too painful, I snapped a ligament in my ankle and that was painful enough!

Will be thinking of you, and hope you feel better for having got it off your chest. Like you say, gotta keep smiling, eh? So stay positive in the knowledge that he'll get what he deserves for his actions. Stay strong, and good luck in court!

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Post by [aphrodite] »

Thanks for that Elem, like I said it wasn't rape and the police said to me why wouldn't the jury beleive me coz if I was making it up I would make worse allegations than I have, I guess I just worry myself, I keep saying why would they beleive me over him. But like you said if the evidence is there,
although the DNA mouth swab and forenzics (sorry for spelling) haven't come back yet. I did brush my teeth as soon as I got home aswell, but the police say that was a natural thing to do and many women do that.

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Post by [ForestWitch] »

I really hate how we (women) always have to undergo so much anxiety about whether we'll be believed or not when we report a sexual assault. I hate how, unless we're beaten within an inch of our lives, there are always people who will wonder whether it was consentual. Most of all, I hate how we always feel that, in some way, we must have brought it on ourselves.

If the police are behind you, that's a huge advantage in the whole process. Lots of times it's a huge hurdle even getting a sexual assault seriously investigated. Best of luck to you in court and no matter how it turns out be proud of yourself that you had the guts to report it. Lots of women don't.
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Post by Eretik »

What a horrible betrayal of friendship. It's him who is weak and a victim, a victim of his own f*cked up mentality. This is a violent assault, ripping your tendons,that takes a lot of force. A willing partner.......no way, no one would think that. I hope it all goes well for you at court and he gets a long sentence. Thinking of you and I agree with Elem and Forestwitch, we are here for you too. I know you are feeling vulnerable, but don't allow him to win by 'getting into your head' it was courageous to report it and the right thing to do. You are strong, he is weak,no contest.Geri.
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Post by Sercee »

Congratulations for having the guts to stand up for yourself and report that @#$&%*@! (I can't think of a word strong enough that doesn't insult anybody else at the same time.) I'm so glad you have the backing and support you need for this!

You have nothing but big hugs and positive energy from me :)
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Be brave, Aphrodite. You are strong, not a victim... I can tell.

Let's just say I have personal experience in this regard. You are doing the right thing. Keep those positive vibes going...

Bright Blessings!
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Post by [aphrodite] »

Thanks for the kind words and support guys, I really appreiciate it (spelling sorry :oops: ).

I keep reminding myself I'm doing the right thing, I think I have prevented him from doing it again.
The police told me off the record they think he may have done something of this nature before, maybe charges were dropped, not sure as of yet.
In his statement he was asked if he'd done anything like this before, he repied NO COMMENT, now surely if he was inocent he would say straight away NO. I don't know the mind boggles.

I have to release all my medical records from being a child, I don't mind that though, I'm over that.

At the moment I'm trying to concentrate on my horses, lots of training to do, and my wedding in 4 weeks, it seems to help.

Blessed be

Post by Sum1Got2 »

*hugs you tight*

I don't think you were evil! Just remember- that events like this make you stronger. :] It's really amazing that you reported it to the police- most people aren't that brave. Plus, I don't think that being hurt like that would be because you were evil. He needs to be. Not going to finish that. But- you are so strong. And- it sounds like you have great people around you. Expecally on here :]

And--- you're getting married!!! Happy marraige- btw :]. I'm a hopeless romantic.

If you ever need to talk, I'm here, too.
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Post by saianalyd »

gahhh what a manwhore. hopefully he get's whats coming to him
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Post by brokenxdreams »

I'm sure he'll get what he deserves; karma is a b!tch after all (believe me :roll: ). Sorry for what happened and best of luck in court!
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Post by kai »

Hey aphro, you have to be brave and strong, and show that as*h**e what you are made of, all the best in the court. tc.
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Post by Sobek »

best of luck my dear, i hope justice will be done...with the courts they way they are odds are he'll get away with it. but we can hope anyway ;)
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Post by [aphrodite] »

Thanks for the words of encouragement guys it means alot.

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Post by [aphrodite] »

Well it's been a long time but they have finally made the decision to prosecute him.
Last time I posted here I thought the decision had already been made
but nevermind.
Well it'll be 1 year on the 4th feb since it happened, better late than never i guess.
Depending on how he pleads it'll probably go to liverpool crown court for trial, hmmm not sure how I feel about that,
I'd pushed it to the back of my mind and not really thought about it, now it's on my mind quite alot, trying to stay strong though.

Oh well life goes on, no matter what, you have to keep going.

Blessed be
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