My dreams

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.

My dreams

Post by kiaza »

Ok, first of all thank you for allowing me to post everywhere now! :)

My dreams literally terrorize my life. At times they are profoundly scary. One of my latest hallucinations involved being choked by a dark cloud with hands. When I woke I was gasping for breath. The problem with my dreams is that I typically will fall back into the exact same dream once I fall back to sleep.

I have many more experiences to share as time permits. I have narcolepsy and this is the explanation that I have been given for my hallucinations and episodes of sleep paralysis, which is another post by itself. I went through months of testing, including 3 separate sleep studies.

Thanks for listening.
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Post by Elven555 »

It's quite possible that you're reliving the last few moment of a previous life. memories of our past lives are always with our un-concious mind and spirit, and it's only when our mind is turned off and relaxed (like in our sleep, in a trance, meditating or hypnotised) that we can see them, because our mind isn't there to anylise the images.

I don't know how they test for narcolepsy, but I often think that a lot of these disorders are just a scientific way of explaining certain things, such as past life memories.
^^ but that's just my opinion. :wink:
Earth my body, water my blood,
Air my breath and fire my spirit

Post by kiaza »

If this is the case, I wonder how many past lives one has typically? I classify my choking dream as a hallucination due to the reality behind it. One recurring dream that I have had for as long as I can remember involves me in a food pantry of sorts, wearing a blue Jackie O type pill box hat, being stabbed by a faceless man.

When I consider the idea of past lives, it takes me to my theory that I cited in another thread, which is that maybe hell is having to live life over and over again until you get it right. It seems that the proper reward for getting life right would be to finally have your sould put to rest for eternity.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

How many past lives do we have? Um, as many as it takes.
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Post by sunstoneleo »

I had a dream once that I was a baby, and my mother had drowned me in a swimming pool. i also woke up gasping for breath, and it was so realistic that I wanted to cry. I also have dreams like that often. It used to be every night, but it has changed over the years, plus less stress in my life helped.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

I'm sorry people, I'm going to have to move this topic to "Dreams".

The thing is, since people tend to astrally travel during dreaming, when this was first posted it could have gone either way. But now people are talking about dreams and what they mean, and we already have a topic about that.

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