I'm just a lonely little newcomer! I won't bite! :) help!

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I'm just a lonely little newcomer! I won't bite! :) help!

Post by AncientBlueEyes »

Please, if you do not believe in reincanation, then read no further.

However, if you are a believer in reincarnation, then I would love to listen to your insights on my story.

Ever since I was a little girl, I have had a strange obsession with ancient Egypt. For about a year now, every so often I have had dreams and visions of ancient Egypt. Now, it is a part of my everyday life, my past life is sot of "melting into" my current life. There is nothing I want more than to know everything that happened and to find him.

I believe that I was in love, and that I was loved, but something happened, something that killed me. So I guess I figure that if I have been brought back at this time, and have began to remember everything that I am supposed to have forgotten, maybe he has too.

This is where it becomes a tad more challenging...

I've recently met somebody, and there is a strange, comforting familiarity between this man and I.

Here inlies the problem, because that is what he is, a man. Although I am mature for my age, and I most of the time feel like a thirty year old, I am not, I am a teenager.


Post by AncientBlueEyes »

I suppose what I am asking for is a way to find out if this man is who I believe him to be, without asking him, and to figure out if I am just totally crazy.
Shaman of Bliss
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Post by Shaman of Bliss »

it could make sense, way back when woman (girls) would often take a husband as soon as they could reproduce, the men were commonly older. Although, I do have to say that at your current age I don't think dating is advisable. He most likely doesn't look at you in a romantic way, not to mention Federal law says that if you too were to "be romantic" your parents could over-ride your consent, and he could be charged with stagetory rape.

This is not ancient Egypt, perhaps you were together once, and maybe thats enough, time to find someone else.

-Shaman of Bliss

Post by AncientBlueEyes »

Thank you for your insights, I really do understand what you are saying, it makes me kind of sad though, sads
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Post by Shaman of Bliss »

It makes me sad as well, but perhaps this person could be a good friend, a mentor or a companion. Perhaps in your last life you were friends more then lovers. Perhaps that is the connection and you simply assume that connection is romantic in nature.

There are plenty of other fish in the sea, its always darkest before the dawn, if it's not meant to be it's not meant to be.

Hope that helps a tiny bit.

-Shaman of Bliss

Post by AncientBlueEyes »

Well yes, when you put it that way it helps to make me feel better. I still want to know what happened, for some reason I can't let go. I hope that the past relationship wasn't romantic, that may make things easier for me now, but I strongly doubt that there was no romantic feelings. I'm guessing thisbased on the way I feel now, it's very confusing, but I also remember a few things...that is what frightens me.
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Post by Shaman of Bliss »

Times were very different from now, spilling blood, was not uncommon. If you fear for you personal safety I reccomend you tell another adult, third party. If you are very fearful, simply stop interacting with him.

I feel perhaps that you are seeking this drama, this attention. It is a very simple equation, if your in danger, get out. That's it, don't risk happiness and safety for something that "could be." Especially based off of past-life memories.

Post by AncientBlueEyes »

No no no, you've got me all wrong. I am not seeking out drama, I haven't done anything stupid and I am not planning too. I am simply trying to explore what may have happened. I find it fascinating that I'm remembering all the things that I am supposed to have forgotten.
Forgive me, but it seems as if people assume I am craving attention because I am a teenager. This is simply untrue. I am a historian, an adventurer, an explorer. What I am hoping to find here are other people who may have remembered parts of their past lives, people who do not think that I am a crazy girl chasing a dream.

(Please do not misunderstand, I have meant no offense in the words above. :) )
Shaman of Bliss
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Post by Shaman of Bliss »

The thing is, I'm only 17 :)

Yo forget I'm a teenager myself, and at some levels I often craved drama, that roughness that gave life an exciting edge. I know your not trying to argue, I know your tone is not agressive.

The reason I bring it up is because even a year ago I could have said the same thing about myself, I craved drama. When things started to settle down I would spice things up again. Perhaps I havn't fully out grown that habit either, I accept myself.

I understand your thrill at discovery, I knew it well. Just remember that you have to be careful. I don't mean to sound like a mother, but there are scary dangerous people. I believe intuition is a powerful thing, if something tells you to run, run.

I've ignored intuition before, and I've been more then sorry I didn't run, when I felt the need to.

Do you understand?

Everything happens for a reason, what your experiencing is important, but no one said important was safe.

-Shaman of Bliss

Post by AncientBlueEyes »

I absolutely agree with you, and I apologize, I thought you were older. I don't often ignore my intuition, also I forgot to mention in my last post that this man is in no way a threat to me.

Furthermore, when I said "that is what frightens me" I simply meant that I am afraid I may be losing my mind. I honestly think that I am crazy, I have no idea if this is all real, or just me being stupid! :lol:
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Post by Tymar »

Hi FyreVyper,

I have to agree with Shaman of Bliss with the man in question, be careful and keep safe always.

When i read about how you felt with your dreams and your obsession with ancient Egypt.
I wanted to reply, I have for many years had dreams and feelings of Egypt, I really want to go visit Egypt..
Im hopping it will be a little safer and of course the juggling with the budget it will come in due time.

Because i have to wait a little longer, i have worked on my dreams more to find out if there is a connection to where im drawn. This is something you could do to help piece together parts of your connection.
Asking yourself a question before going to sleep in regards to your connection in Egypt or something that inspired you that day, to help you find out more.
Dream work can be very helpful in areas its just understanding them and there symbols.

Writing down what you feel and see as clues, then doing some searching on the subject at hand might help open some more windows for you.

If something hits you while watching tv, or listening to the radio write it down, get online and search search search. Its amazing what will pop up.

For me I found out more about the wadjet and some other areas of Egypt.
So maybe focusing on what your connection is to Egypt might be more helpful than focusing on this one man..

BB. Tymar
BB Tymar..

Don't wait for a light to appears at the end of the tunnel, stride down there and light the bloody thing yourself" - Sara Henderson;

Post by AncientBlueEyes »

Thank you so much for your suggestions! :)

But dreamwork? How exactly will I know if it is working? How do I get it to work? How will I know to believe what I see or if I'm losing my mind?
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Post by Tymar »

FyreVyper wrote:Thank you so much for your suggestions! :)

But dreamwork? How exactly will I know if it is working? How do I get it to work? How will I know to believe what I see or if I'm losing my mind?
Hi FyreVyper,

Normally when I work on my dreams I write them down every inch of what I remember, see, feel.

I search on my symbols in my dream, I have what most would call my own dream dictionary, this is writing down what symbols mean to you personally.
For example you might love cats, I might hate cats, so hence dreaming of cats would be good for you but not so great for me…

So working with your dreams finding out what they mean would be a good start.
Not always what we see in our dreams are what they mean, Most of the time they are symbols put together for you to understand and acknowledge but it still needs sorting though.

With your connections, write all of them down give details. Keep them on word doc or in a book which ever you feel is quicker at getting them down ..
I have blogged a lot of my dreams but not all because of the content can be a little to spicy hence I don’t feel the need to share those ones.

Also going to dream moods (online) will help in understanding more symbols I use them if I get stuck. I have found there meanings to be really helpful at times.

I have to dash to work, but keep grounded, I don’t feel your loosing your mind, maybe a little mixed up, but getting it together on paper or on the computer might help you in getting it in together for you to understand.

Take Care.
BB Tymar..

Don't wait for a light to appears at the end of the tunnel, stride down there and light the bloody thing yourself" - Sara Henderson;
dandilion heart

Post by dandilion heart »

hi fyreviper..
about past life connections with people...

the person i am currently in love with and have been with for the past 3 years, im quite certain we were twins in my past life.
we are extremely the same. i cant really describe but i want to reasure you it does happen.
about loving older men? i completely know that one too.
i had a similar connection with my art teacher at school and there was a time when things almost "progressed" with us. but you know what? im SO glad that they didnt. i was 15 at the time and he was about 35 and he had his own family.
I later realised that i felt so close to him due to my disfunctional relationship with my father. im in no way saying that youre situation is the same,
all im saying is sometimes it pays to just let these feelings be.
we have unlimited potential to love in all forms.


dandilion heart
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Post by [HangedMan] »

i think your dream definitely has to do with a past life experience. they (whomever "they" are! haha!) say that if you keep having recurring dreams of another place/time, or deja vu, or a strong affinity to a place you've never been before, chances are it has to do with a past life.

as for this man, oh god... how i can relate. i'm definitely not a teen anymore, but i met a man a few years back that i SWORE i knew in my past life-- and he was 20 years my senior and i was (and still am) head over feet for him.

so i can understand your feelings of frustration with this. but, still the matter of the fact is, you're only 17 and he's much older. you must remember, you two may have very well known each other *before*, but that doesn't mean you're meant to be together *now*-- especially with an age difference. i kinda feel like when we see these people, it's almost as if like when we go travel to a foreign country and are scared, but then see a familiar face. we get all excited and start to feel like, "omg! someone else is here i know! i must latch onto them and go where they're going instead of where i'm going!" but, in the end, where they are going and where we are going are totally different, and we were only meant to see each other in passing as a reminder of our past, or as a guide/mentor to keep moving forward.

so... yeah... depressing as it may be, sometimes that strong connection we feel just isn't meant to be reconnected this lifetime. but you never know what the next life may bring...? hehe :)
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