i have a question

Discussion of Reincarnation, Afterlife, Life-Between-Lives (LBL)...
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i have a question

Post by LUNAAMOR »

ok i know this might sound chessy :oops: :oops: but o well ;)
ok as some of you know me and greg(zero) met each other in this forum and when we first started talking it was like we had known each other forever we have the taste on most things and most of the time we know what each other is thinking and or want without us having to say something. and i know some people one of them is also a witch and the other one is just a very spiritual person they are adults and really know what they talk about and both of them have the feeling that we most probably are soulmates. and i wanted to know if that is possible or if there is a way to find out if its true that we are soulmates :D
"Light up the Darkness" Bob Marley

Post by RainWizard »

I believe in soulmates totally.. and it sounds like u r but as with so many other things only time will tell.. just keep an open mind about everything and don't take any crap from each other and it should work out just fine whether u r soulmates now or not.

Post by Uruha »

It is possible that you are soul mates but be careful. Even sould mates can have huge arguments that can really hurt each other. I should know.

Just be patient with each other and always talk things through if things get rough.

Best blessings for the both of you!

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