Are Epileptics more prone to having out-of-body experiences?

Discussion about out-of-body experiences (astral travel), lucid dreaming, and other sleep related phenomenon such as night terrors and sleep paralysis.
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Are Epileptics more prone to having out-of-body experiences?

Post by elicit »

are poeple who suffer with Epilepsy more susceptivle to ap's than other people who dont? smiley08_yin_yang
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Post by Penelope »

Don't know about APs, but people with epilepsy, particularly temporal lobe epilepsy, if I'm remembering that right, do sometimes have vivid and unsettling religious experiences due to stimulation of parts of the brain controlling religious thought. The Spiral Staircase by Karen Armstrong has a fair bit of information on that, because that is the case with her. I wouldn't be surprised if this sometimes resulted in an experience of astral projection, but I'd be cautious about assuming these experiences are objectively real. Personally, I think they are vivid hallucinations.
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can see what your saying

Post by elicit »

alot of people do think that their just hallucinations,the poroblem is that ive got an uncanny knack of been right on the things ive seen or expericeced or people ive meet,it comes in very handy when i do my runes and doswing and tarot cards
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Post by Penelope »

what kinds of things have you experienced and been accurate about?
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Post by elicit »

first one i can remember was when i was 11 and had visons of me moving to scotland as an adult, not just dreaming but more intense i even saw the people that are in my life now. when i was 32 i meet girl on the net feel for each other and ended up moving in with her and guess where SCOTLAND lol

next one when i was a kid i knew i was going to have an accident and within 1 week i was in hospital, blood stitches and kinky nurses lol

i have daily dejavu about everything e.g poeple im going to meet including friends, tarot cards they pick before their even turn over and bound between me and my best friend is really spookie cause we answer each other before the questions have been said.

whats even better is that i suffer from two types of temple lobe epilepsy
i know some of you are going to say that its hallucinations.
but the last time i seziured i left my body and was standing next to my carer who was tring to sort me out but i discribed the poeple who were trying to help including the blonde girl who walk up to her and said that every thing will be ok also the people that were standing waiting for the bus. some people say that its your hearing is the last thing but how could i discribe everything while i was having a full blown seziure?

sorry about length this is just some of them

i even managed to pick wining horse spent £1.00 got £30.00 back with out even loooking at the names lol
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Post by Penelope »


By the way, I don't mean to say that I'd rule out the possibility of it meaning anything. I just know of people who have had hallucinations or unsettling feelings from epilepsy, so that was just my first thought.
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Post by elicit »

dont worry about it hun im glad to bounce ideas off some one it helps alot hun :lol: :lol:
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Post by Starwitch »

Sorry to bring up an old thread, but I was looking up your posts Elicit, trying to find your age after reading your post on the Suicide thread.

I would definitely say that having epilepsy gives you an advantage with having out-of-body experiences. I believe that we can learn a great deal about the spirit world by studying epileptic people's visions and experiences. I don't think they are hallucinations anymore than a near-death experience is a hallucination. I think I see now why you are here and why you don't seem to get very far in your spiritual search (in your introduction you said you always end up back at the beginning.) We all have been given a task, or a gift, so-to-speak, that we must share with the world before we are allowed to move up to the higher levels of consciousness. Your gift may be that you are supposed to share your epilepsy/astral projection experiences with other people through the Internet. Once you begin doing this, you will find that the wheels of your life start turning and you should begin to see improvements in your state of mind and your circumstances. If you want to start sharing your experiences, you are welcome to contact me if you want to share them through my site.

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Post by elicit »

know some of you will think I'm nuts but try going to a graveyard asking permission of the spirt whose grave it is then touch the tombstone and see what appears before you

i also try and use my runes and tarot cards,and dowsing crystal to either teach people that theirs nothing to be frightened of or to try and altar their path that they walk on in this present time cause i can see were it will lead them but i will only altar it, if it will make them weaker,if it makes them stronger i wont altar their path (i also try and teach people about witchcraft in any shape or form,as allot are people are very scared of what they don't know. i try and break these barriers down and open the door for them so that they can see in an unbiased way for them selfs,you want to see peoples faces when i give them my dowsing crystal and tell them how to use it and it moves on its own their eyes light up and most of them buy their own after that i find my crystals work brilliant on people that are either very positive or very negative i struggle on people in between and have to help the out a bit
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Post by Starwitch »

I'm starting to think that you are below the age limit. I hate to be down on people but your lack of punctuation and effort is nearly intolerable to me.

Did you get my private message asking you to please use punctuation? I see that you made a small effort in this post by putting a bunch of commas in it, then towards the end it starts running all together again.

It is a great deal of work for me to read your posts since all of the words run together kind like if I wrote like this and just didn't use any puncutation at all assuming that you will know what I mean simply because I know what I mean if you wondered why when you were in school the teacher wanted you to learn to use commas and periods properly and you were thinking that you wouldn't need to know this for real life this is why you need to know it without it no one can understand what you are saying and it tends to make you look not so intelligent I dislike having to pick on epileptics or other people that consider themselves disabled but I think that it's possible that due to your disability the people in your life didn't expect enough from you
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Hope you find some required answers in here.

Post by elicit »

wrote:Dear Elicit,

Please read the rules for the message board, in particular number five. I think you have the potential to be a valuable member here if you get that minor issue straightened out.

Bright Blessings,
This has been wrote by Andy's full time carer because he cannot see the keyboard, at the moment due to yet another seizure.

I have read your messages and would like to point a few things out to you and anyone else who requires more knowledge in this area.

1. Andy has epilepsy which affects the neurological functioning of his brain which in laymans terms means his memory is very wonky. He has two types of uncontrollable epilespy - causing roughly 100 seizures of varying degrees per day. So if he keeps apologising in the posts for bad spelling/grammar it is because he cannot remember what he did 5 minutes ago let alone posts he replied to days, weeks or even months ago.

2. You seem to have a wee memory problem of your own - Andy tells me he has already informed you that he is dyslexic, kinda not something that just disappears because people do not like it nor is it because he is "underage" as you so put it. Andrew is 39 years old! Stop treating him like a 3 year old.

3. Dyslexia is a learning difficulty and cannot be simply corrected by "proof-reading" as rule no 5 puts it. Andy could proof-read it twenty times and still not see anything wrong with what he has typed and probably forgets to use the suggested spell-checker due to memory. If you could gain some knowledge regarding difficulties people with dyslexia experience then you may appreciate what I am talking about, or even take the time out to read about people less fortunate than yourself. I can see have your own "perfectionist" issues regarding the functioning of your forum, however, you constantly moaning at Andy is become untolerable to him. This is a forum, a community for various different nations regarding spiritualism (and such like) not a spelling bee competition, for goodness sake!!!!!!

4. Just because Andy cannot spell or use grammar correctly doesn't mean he is stupid as rule 5 suggests. Not everyone has an attainment of English skills to the required level supposedly needed to be a part of this community.

5. Andy has actually used a vast amount of his time on this forum on typing/reading posts, so to assume that bad grammar/spelling is because he cannot be bothered and that he is ignorant happens to be completely wrong and to me would seem the height of ignorance. The "small effort" as you put it was Wednesday when he had blacked out quite a lot. Seeing as you know relatively little about epilepsy that is when Andy's brain shuts down from anything from 2 sec - 3mins. Andy does not understand what commas are for and where they go. That is what happens. You are very fortunate not to have a learning difficulty.

6. What right do you have to affect someone's self-esteem and self-confidence in such an ignorant manner? Andy has disabilities and like many people with disabilities does not have much self-esteem or confidence, in the first place.

7. I would have thought the forum considering it is to do with all things magic would be a lot more open-minded. Obviously, I can appreciate some people have no health worries and do not know of anyone with learning disabilities. However, take a moment to think how you would feel should your own son/daughter/mother/father be involved in an accident. Fine one minute then lying on the pavemnet with a fractured skull and brain-damaged the next and epileptic within 2 weeks. Would you bother to take the time to alter your judgements then? You seem a very narrow-minded person with absolutely no people skills and certainly not what I would call an empath. Hopefully, your faith in God will lead you to better judgements regarding this.

8. Andy has Myers-Irlen Syndrome which is where the words don't stand still - they move about. You try moving a page of writing about in front of you and point to where the comma should be or the spelling mistake is.

9. To Andy this is not a "minor issue to get straightened" out as you so decadently put it in your private message. If it was then I am sure he would choose not to be dyslexic or disabled to be insulted by people such as yourself, time and time again.

10. In answer to Andy must know what you mean because you do - is the biggest load of codswallop I have ever had the misfortunate to hear. What age are you, honey because for where I am you sound like a spoilt conceited little child!

11. Andy knows more about spiritualism, astral plaining, tarots, spellcasting, pentagrams, talking to the spirits from both black and white perspectives that you would ever be able to dream of learning and has more than what is required to get through our life. Life is not and should not be a bunch of words, why should anyone care whether Andy has "intelligence" or not. What is a measure intelligence? Can you astra plain? Can you strip a computer? Can you read tarot and runes? Andy is very intelligence with a lot of things and just because he cannot spell doesn't give you the right to give him grief over it. Have you by any chance heard of Stephen Hawking?? He is dyslexic, how intelligent is that for you!? As I read in one of your previous posts you didn't even see the significance of epilepsy with astra plaining - how stupid is that, I though everyone would know that!

12. Andy doesn't "consider" himself disabled. He gets the higher rate of disability care allowance given by the government for the United Kingdom. He has a blue badge for parking when we get use of a friend's car, he attends 4 out of 5 of the main hosptials in our area seeing a total of 8 different consultants. Andy has, as already stated 2 different types of epilepsy - which if you both to look up the statistics is roughly 1:3,000,000. So, I think we can safely say that it's not just Andy that has the opinion he is disabled. Andy hates having disabilities - he even had to hand in his licence for his motorbike. Before epilepsy Andy rodes horses, motorbikes, brought up three beautiful kids, white water rafting and caving etc. He lost quite a lot.

13. The people in Andy's life have nothing whatsoever to do with his dyslexia or epilepsy!! You really are clueless aren't you? I think I will give that point the contemptment it justly deserves.

Yes, Andy did get your private message but as life doesn't seem to work to your timescale and with me being at hospital yesterday... this is the first I have had chance to reply. However, he sent you a message and you never gave him the courtsey as a reply. Treat others, as you would like to be treated.. I would like to thank you for your time and perhaps if you could be more understanding of people's individual needs you could potentially become at least half a human being through time. You don't like picking on epileptics?? Well for where I am standing, I think you getting some sort of kick out of it because you seem to spend most of your time and recent posts moaning about Andy's punctuation and grammar - if that is all you have to worry about in your life you are so so damn lucky. I have to be a 24 hr carer to Andy everyday, watch him seizure, bring him out of it, run the risk of him dying on me everyday and not get much sleep myself as he seizures night and day. As well as having to resusciate him and take care of him personal care needs.

Oh, and by the way, incidentally, I am dsylexic as well. I have a different type of dyslexia to Andy and as you obviously didn't know much about it in the first place, I had better explain.... I cannot work out numbers, read them or work out maths; even the simple basic things due to my dyslexia as well as having Myers-Irlen Syndrome as well. Doesn't matter how any times it is explained I cannot do it. Andy, on the otherhand is brillaint at maths, so he works out bills etc for me. Not because I can't be bothered but because I can't. I will be going to Univeristy in September 2009 to study BA(Hons) in Sociology (study of societies like this one), psychology (study of people's behaviours, like discrimination and conformity) and criminology (crimes people do because of the other two).

May you have light on your path, where it is certainly needed. Clare.
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Post by Starwitch »

Just write decently if you are going to post on this forum. I have trouble thinking of any excuse for bad writing that will be acceptable to my mind. I know this hurts to hear and I apologize for any pain this causes you. Now please write better.

Post by Amazonite »

Yes, I definitely think that epileptics are more susceptible to Astral travel than those without epilepsy.

I can also astral travel, although I did not realise that this is what it was until recently.. I know, how could I? I used to do it all the time years ago but unfortunately for my own reasons this door has been shut for a few years now... not to say that it will stay shut.

Thanks for experiences, very interesting Ellicit.

Post by mudnpool »

Sorry for bringing this old thread back up, but I feel the need to put my input on this. I am an epileptic, it oragins in my left temperal lobe. And yes, it does give a an advantage in projecting. I do have to say I hillucenate a lot, but i can tell my hillucenations apart from what is real. And as said above it is what effects religion, I didn't know that but I guess that is why I came up with my own complex religion philosiphys at age 11.

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Post by Imalorki »

YES!!! A lot of the time that is WHY they have seizures. Involuntary out of bodies.

Ok, this is not Kitty (this is her bf atm). I am an epileptic, and yes it happens more often then with most people. the siezure is a sign that it happened unexpected by your body. We also get them more, even without the siezures.

Ok, back to kitty lol:
yeah what he said. I'm not epileptic myself though I do get the tendencies. Its when I nap that I accidently travel...I know it happens because when I wake it feels like I've been slammed back into my body.

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