Can Someone Help?

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.

Can Someone Help?

Post by NightGoddess »

I have a question ...Well I'm not sure its a question really...Maybe I just need some guidance/advice? When I was a child, whenever I felt a raw emotion such as anger or sadness or even extreme excitement... Odd things would occur. Lights would flicker or shut off and sometimes the bulbs would break... This also happens outdoors with street lamps and such. Sometimes things would fall off of shelves or doors would slam. The radio or the T.V. would sometimes change stations and so on and so forth. For the longest time I thought nothing of it. And although my friends and family would notice it they would shrug it off. A bit more recently though this has been more noticeable. Shampoo bottles in my shower will literally fly to the other side of the shower...The hose for the shower head will start waving back and forth. Sometimes I have mistaken this for hauntings...Which I know we do actually deal with at my place of residence. I seem to have the ability to seem them and hear them most times as well. I have gone to many psychics, all...And I mean all have said to me that they sense something powerful, very deep within me and that I have a gift. After saying this they almost always refuse to give me a reading or even speak to me afterwards.

I also am able to feel others emotions, and sometimes see auras. I have tried on my own to learn more about these gifts I seem to possess, but there seems to be alot of mixed information out there. There are many other things I would love to discuss with you as they are my own personal experiences, but I am trying not to turn this into a novel. If you have any information I would love to hear it as well as maybe some advice? Thank you so much...

Post by Moon_Child »

You seem to me to be clairvoyant and an empath.
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Post by elicit »

i agree with moon child but i would also like to add that this is something their but im afraid i can't put my finger on it but i can feel something
Never Let Your Past Rule Your Future
Be who you are not what others want to see
Every action has a reaction

Post by Moon_Child »

elicit wrote:i agree with moon child but i would also like to add that this is something their but im afraid i can't put my finger on it but i can feel something
Is it clairaudience?
Posts: 55
Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 8:09 am
Gender: Female
Location: in my pc chair

Post by elicit »

hah ha fell of chair lol so much cheers hun
Never Let Your Past Rule Your Future
Be who you are not what others want to see
Every action has a reaction

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