Alternate you, alternate me

UFO's, extraterrestrials, abductions, the Universe, planets, stars, galaxies, black holes, white holes, wormholes, and everything beyond.

Do you believe in an alternate reality?

Sure, anything's possible!
No, it's called the UNIverse for a reason.
I'm not sure. Everytime I try and grasp the concept I am left dazed and confused. :?
Total votes: 27

Water Centaur
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Alternate you, alternate me

Post by Water Centaur »

Alternate realities.

Do they exist? Does that mean for every choice I make, in another reality I make the other? Am I dead in another reality? Am I a murderer? And what is this "bubble theory"?

So many questions, so little answers.
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Oooh, cool post Water Centaur. :grin:

My personal philosophy? (keeping it short because I was supposed to leave my office an hour ago...)

Yes- there exists a possibility of their being several planes of reality. We exist here on earth, but who's to say that we're not dreaming our existence? Who's to say that there isn't another version of us existing elsewhere... at the same time? (Or even in the same time?)

Ooh, deep thoughts-deep thoughts. I love this kind of stuff actually. :28:
...So, if I stick my hand into a black hole, can I reach around behind me and scratch my back with it?
(huh?) LOL

...More later- got to go home!

~Bright Blessings~
Water Centaur
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Post by Water Centaur »

Hehe Moonstone. Unfortunately reaching in a black hole would leave you handless :shock: lol

I'll write more tomorrow, sooo tired.

Post by oakleafwolf »

There was a post here where someone asked about the atom collider they built/are building/are attempting to repair out in Europe... Theoretically, one of the things that will be proved by firing that thing up is the existance of alternate planes/dimensions. Something about particles that sometimes exists here and periodically "phase out".

I think if there were alternate realities overlapping with my own, it wouldn't be multiple copies of me in each place. Or, at least, I wouldn't be represented there in any way that's truly comprehensible. I think it would be more like trying to taste time and hear smells.

Ultimately there's room in all of existence for anything, and I'll never rule anything out! Someday I'll drop an apple, it'll fall -up-... and we'll all give up on this 'gravity' nonsense. ;)
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Post by kgwitch »

oakleafwolf wrote:There was a post here where someone asked about the atom collider they built/are building/are attempting to repair out in Europe... Theoretically, one of the things that will be proved by firing that thing up is the existance of alternate planes/dimensions. Something about particles that sometimes exists here and periodically "phase out".

I think if there were alternate realities overlapping with my own, it wouldn't be multiple copies of me in each place. Or, at least, I wouldn't be represented there in any way that's truly comprehensible. I think it would be more like trying to taste time and hear smells.

Ultimately there's room in all of existence for anything, and I'll never rule anything out! Someday I'll drop an apple, it'll fall -up-... and we'll all give up on this 'gravity' nonsense. ;)
That atom collider scares me, in fact scientists scare me. If anyone here has seen Stephen King's 'The Mist' you'll know why!
Water Centaur
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Post by Water Centaur »

LOL this topic is so complex to me that I often find myself beginning to write a response, become overwhelmed, then I save it for later. I've decided to end that cycle today, even if it's a small response.

be warned, this is the first part to many of this video.
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Post by witch505 »

We watched that video the first day of Physics class this year! It was amazing. And then the second day of class, ten people dropped out. There are now only four people, including myself haha

We then started talking about how there might be universes within eachother. Like, our current universe might be the size of an atom in another universe which is inside another universe that is in another universe... etc. You get my point.

I don't think that's the case though. I think that the universes travel on a path similar to the path that electrons take in an atomic orbital. I think that each universe spins on it's axis while traveling along it's path, and the paths are spinning as well. If anyone knows about the s,p,d,f, etc orbitals, you'll kind of understand what I'm trying to say. So, all of the universes are spinning and rotating and traveling along their paths harmoniously until two of them collide and BAM. Another universe. And, I think that the organisms or whatever is LIVING in the universes has the potenial to through their universe off balance. Like, maybe the developing atom collider will trigger the collision of two universes and create another universe.

I'd try and draw a picture, but I think that it'd be more confusing.

I don't know. It makes my brain hurt.
Water Centaur
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Post by Water Centaur »

Very interesting, it inspires me to take up a physics class....after i'm done with my double major classes and my minor.....oy....but one day i will.

When I was younger I thought about our universe being the size of a pea compared to other things. Haha I remember asking my father about it when I was about seven. My question was something like "If the earth holds us, and the solar system holds the earth, and the universe holds the solar system, then what holds the universe?"

Also I noticed on the poll that no one really denies the existence of alternate universes. It might be interesting to hear someone else's point of view though
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Post by witch505 »

Haha. I asked my parents similar things when I was little. If I asked my dad, he would just say, "Go ask your mother." And if I asked my mom, she would just say, "Go ask your father." Very frustrating times for a child.

I wish that some one WOULD agrue that there are no alternate universes. But, I guess there aren't any good arguments against it.

What're you double majoring in?

I'm going to double major in biochemistry and genetics, and minor in physics.
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Post by Water Centaur »

I'll PM you.
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Post by Moon_Stone »

42...? :wink:

Interesting stuff. I started out thinking it was a 10 minute film and about an hour later, have watched all its 10-minute parts. :28: Very thought provoking though, that's for sure. This new M theory they're referencing, while very poignant and quite plausible, in my opinion, is loosely based upon the string theory... which is the part I can't get my brain wrapped around. I do understand the string theory itself, but the theorem evolution from the particle theory into the string theory is what is confusing me. The only research I'm finding is calling the 'strings' a "different manifestations of particles" (originally referenced in the Standard Theory.) Different manifestations? Um, ok? Right, so a lighter's flame and a roaring forest fire are 'different manifestations' but by this definition, would be the same thing.... a female human and a chipmunk are 'different manifestations' of the same basic principals... yet these things are vastly different. Can this explanation of "different manifestations" be any broader?

Ok, so can anyone offer some info on the formation of this theory for me? If I understood where its logic was coming from, the M theory and everything that followed could "flow"... As it is, the M theory, I identify with; the particle theory I also identify with, but I'm left with a big "black hole" (ha ha, bad pun) the middle of the two.

Another thought: (Granted, I don't have any more than a very basic knowledge of physics, so I could be coming off as a moron to those who do know more, but...) Why are scientists assuming that because particles don't remain in any particular location that they're hopping parallel universes? Did that theory change when the theorems changed in general from the Standard to String and then to M? It seems more logical to me that particles are shared and intertwined with the things they are surrounding- everything has a molecular structure and thus, atoms with their protons and neutrons doing what they do. IF neutrons are moving within space and time to different destinations, it seems more likely to me that the 'sharing' taking place between these moving atoms would be shared amongst the 'things' surrounding it. (This could also be used to loosely explain the "connectivity" within the human species, broadly expanded to encompass empathy, telepathy, etc.)

It rather seems that scientists are trying to grasp at whatever fits into what is already thought to be 'known', though I do see a lot of the plausibility in their hypotheses discussed in those video segments.

...So far as someone arguing that there wouldn't be any alternate universes, I'll ask my husband for you- I'm sure he has some basis for argument's sake available in his back pocket to throw out there. He doesn't believe in anything unless it's directly in his line of sight- though he's not one of those 'cause I said so' kinds of people, he actually has a legitimate reason and intelligent argument behind his conjectures. --I'll ask. :wink:

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Post by witch505 »

"Why are scientists assuming that because particles don't remain in any particular location that they're hopping parallel universes?"

I completely agree with that. To me, a more logical explaination might be, they're moving REALLY fast. There in one location, but before you can take a measurement, they've moved to a different location... etc.

But, universe cruising is just way cooler.
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Post by Moon_Stone »

LOL Soap, universe cruising is way cooler. :wink:

Right- to further illustrate that point, the speed of light cannot be seen nor "measured" in the conventional sense (in fact, it's referenced as the portal by which time travel is possible)... and yet it's not a speculation, it's fact: the speed of light exists. Perhaps there's only one little neutron and, while moving at the speed of light or greater, is appearing here, there, everywhere.


Water Centaur
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Post by Water Centaur »

Why are scientists assuming that because particles don't remain in any particular location that they're hopping parallel universes?
Yeah, that did seem a bit strange. I would have guessed that it was because they were moving very fast like Soap said. I mean unless they came back with new properties and characteristics, it would be hard to assume that they left the universe lol.
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Post by witch505 »

Well... the video never stated that they DIDN'T come back with different properties from when they left.

I started looking on the internet, and I didn't find much of anything.

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